American Style Rhythm DVIDA Syllabus Advanced I (Silver) Bolero DVD by Dance Vision $49.00


Donald Johnson & Kasia Kozak

Approx. 182 minutes

1) Open Check
2) Open Cross Body Lead with Syncopated Turns
3) Rhondé and Shadow Swivels
4) Curl and Double Leg Rhondé

Demonstration of Figures 1-4

5) Right Side Swivels and Rhondé
6) Face Loop and Sway
7) Walks and Grapevine

Demonstration of Figures 5-7

8) Cradle and Man’s Arm Bar
9) Cross Over Swivels
10) Slow Spiral with Back Swivels

Demonstration of Figures 8-10

Dance Demonstration

American Style Rhythm DVIDA Syllabus Advanced I (Silver) Bolero DVD